A personal loan can help you with debt consolidation. You can also use your loan money to pay for big purchases to avoid creating a significant credit card debt. With certain kinds of personal loans, you can finance your real estate projects. There is one common thing with personal loans, though. It would help if you got approved first, and your credit score is a significant consideration. When your score is 580 or below, there is hardly any bank that will loan you money. If you want money loans cedar rapids, IA, you are about to see a list of the best options. By the way, these are private lenders who are willing to lend you money even with a low credit score. Check this list out:
- BridgeWell Capital
It is one of the best lenders we found for people with bad and good credit. Besides being accessible online, BridgeWell Capital has a specialization: loans for real estate investors.
Good features:
• It has the largest selection of loans for real estate investors
• It has the lowest APRs on the market, starting at 5.95% when taking a fix and flip loan
• It accepts people without formal employment (but in business) and those with bad credit. It makes this clear in the FAQ section.
• BridgeWell Capital can give you up to $50,000, which is an amount higher than what Avant and LendingClub can offer you.
• Fastest response to customer queries; it has good customer care service.
• If you want a reasonable faith estimate on all your loan costs, request as this is free.
What we dislike:
• It is not everywhere in the USA
• There are no other uses for their loans other than real estate investment.
- LeadingClub
If you are looking for one of the most advanced and experienced money loans cedar rapids, IA lenders, LendingClub could be it. They take our second position because of being in the industry for too long.
Good features are:
• LendingClub offers two repayment periods, giving you flexibility when it comes to choosing the term you want
• It offers a fixed interest rate, so you cannot expect a sudden increase
• You can borrow as little as $1000 and a maximum of $40,000.
Things we disliked:
• LendingClub will deduct their origination fee from your loan amount
• It is an expensive loan facility due to its 30 percent interest rate
• There is a late fee of $15.
- Avant
This lender is among the fastest online facilities. It promises quick loan approvals, and that’s a positive point.
Good features are:
• Since the company has fixed-rate loans only, it’s hard to miss your monthly payments
• You can pay your loan within 2 to 5 years
• A maximum loan of $35,000 and is right when you have a low credit score
• Quick customer support service all through the week.
Things we disliked:
• You will not find Avant everywhere in the US
• It has a very high APR, which is not attractive
• It charges an administration fee.
- LendingPoint
This lender is unique as it offers very flexible installment payments. You can also freely choose a term of between 2 years and four years and make your amount every end of the month, biweekly, or every 28 days.
Good features:
• You can pay by check to avoid incurring extra fees
• You will not be charged a prepayment penalty
• You can be funded the following business day, which is a big plus.
• Flexible payment terms.
Things we dislike:
• If your credit rating is abysmal, you may be locked out
• Their minimum loan limit is $2000.If you don’t need this much money, you have no choice.
Now you have a list of some of the leading personal loan lenders in 2021. To ensure that you get funded for your upcoming real estate projects, contact the best company on our list. BridgeWell Capital is not only a lender but also an educator. It holds webinars about various things affecting the real estate industry.