Do you have a plan to invest in commercial properties? The best source of capital for commercial projects is a hard money loan. The best hard money lenders can make your plan work by giving you a commercial hard money loan. Although you can get the same loan from a traditional lender like a bank, you can better deal with a private lender. The latter is not only quicker in comparison but also has flexible loan terms. While a bank may refuse you a loan because of a bad credit score, hard money lenders don’t mind it at all. Even if your income is limited but has a property with considerable value, the hard money lender may provide a commercial loan.
Things to expect when taking a commercial hard money loan
• Zero upfront fees
• Zero pressure to sign documents
• Any kind of commercial property is acceptable
• Applicants with low credit rating are welcome
• Applicants with recent foreclosures or short sales are welcome
• Applicants who have recently declared bankruptcy are welcome
• A quick pre-approval process. You can get pre-approved for the loan the same day you submit your application.
Properties you can buy or renovate with your loan money?
Once you receive your money, you can use it to obtain commercial properties. Whether you will get them to fix and resell or fix and rent, that’s yours to decide. You can set your eyes on retail centers, triple net and single-tenant retail buildings, warehouses, industrial houses, office buildings, and so on. The choice is yours.
More points about Commercial hard money loans
Here is a guide to help you understand hard money lenders, and commercial investors’ products.
Question 1: What can help me qualify for this loan quickly?
Answer: First, gather all the documents that the lender might want to verify. These will be about the property you wish to fund and about your background. Keep copies of your documents like National ID, passport, Tax pin, credit reports, and bank slips ready. Make sure you have property documents, too, such as the title.
Question 2: Do hard money lenders offer very high-interest rates?
Answer: It depends on the lender you opt to work with. As there are many lenders, don’t restrict yourself to one company. Search until you locate a lender with a lower APR for a commercial hard money loan. One thing you shouldn’t expect is a lower interest rate than the one offered by a traditional mortgager for a comparable loan product. A hard money lender takes a considerable risk of providing a quick cash loan to a borrower with a low credit rating. That’s why their interest rate is four to five percent higher than the standard interest rate issued by banks.
Question 3: Why should one take a high-interest hard money loan if bank loans have a lower interest rate?
Answer: While banks have cheaper commercial real estate loan rates, their application process is long and rigid. You can have a high credit score and fail to qualify because you have unstable sources of income. For instance, self-employed people cannot get a bank loan at all. It is usually a person with a high credit score and a stable job that gets approved quickly. If you cannot wait 30 to 90 days to get approved for a commercial building or renovation loan, choose a hard money lender with a slightly higher interest rate and a faster application process.
Question 4: Why do you ask for my credit report if you don’t mind that I have bad credit?
Indeed, a hard money lending company doesn’t concern itself more with your credit score. Instead, it focuses on the value of your asset. The strength of the property you want to buy and fix is what matters. Having a significant cash reserve can also help you qualify for a loan if your credit report looks terrible. A credit report is requested for the underwriting procedure only.
Commercial hard money loans are approved based on the type of property you have and the type of borrower you are. If you can prove that the property deal you want to finance with a loan is real and tangible, there is no reason to be rejected. Once you are ready to obtain a commercial house loan, call Nashville, TN Money Loans, BridgeWell Capital. Its commercial loan is among the most beautiful and affordable products on the market.