Since traditional loan lenders like banks try to size you up and determine the value of loans based on your credit worthiness, they always end up valuing your loan less than you deserve, and they always take years just to say no. To give you what you deserve within a short period, private financing companies like Orlando Hard Money Lenders have stepped up, lending loans based on the value of real estates. Bridgewell Capital Orlando is one among many such private lending companies and is no loan shark trying to capture you in the jaws, but a trusted company with professionals that have gained experience for more than 30 years and funded over $200 million for our borrowers since the establishment. We are special because we are fast.
- is an outstanding direct lending company
- provides customer friendly services
- adopts the super-fast quality evaluation and approval methods
- caters to many financial needs through different funding
programs and services.
We take pride in the customer friendly services provided by our professionals, giving out a better user experience throughout the funding process. We do not involve intermediaries that diminish the quality of our services but handle all processes within the company only.
More importantly, we manage super fast evaluations and approvals, enabling you to close -in the deal that fits your heart without any hassle. We do not search for your weaknesses and point out facts to say “no” to you. We 99.99% of times say “YES” to your request and provide the financial aid you are seeking from us. We finish residential funding projects within ten days time, recording the fastest closure in a financing company today.
We have customized our funding programs to specifically cater for standard requirements of real estate investors such as Investor Rehab, Rental properties, Refinancing Cash-out Investors and Commercial Property Loans for Investors. Our services include Proof-of-Funds Letters, Project Consulting, and Refi-Builder, undoubtedly qualifying Orlando Hard Money Lenders as the best funding company on the face of the earth.