In California, the Surrogacy process begins only after both parents and surrogate sign a Surrogacy legal contract together. The surrogacy contract contains useful information including the date of the contract, the identity of a surrogate and the parents, information about the person who originates the gametes, and information about pre-birth and parentage order. Parents who are searching for a surrogate mother can easily get a surrogate in California. People connected to surrogacy arrangement has shared goals and that is to create families. In California, commercial surrogacy is legal and is regulated by California surrogacy laws. The legal service is very important to be completed for the California surrogacy process. People who want to become a surrogate mother or a parent through surrogacy consider California as the easiest place for the surrogacy arrangement.
The CA surrogacy process contains 6 stages which are mentioned below:
• Stage 1: In stage 1, people are required to be fully committed to the surrogacy process. Before beginning the process, people should be mentally and emotionally prepared. Both potential surrogates & intended parents should be dedicated to this process. People should be fully informed about the legal process which will be involved in surrogacy. Both parents & surrogates should realize that this process will impact their time, career, body, emotions, finance, and family (how much do surrogates make).
• Stage 2: In stage 2, People have to choose the type of surrogacy they want to acquire. There are two kinds of surrogacy process: Gestational surrogacy & Traditional surrogacy. Gestational surrogacy is very common nowadays in California as both parents are biologically related to the child. This process is legal, safe, well regulated, and very popular in California. The traditional surrogacy method is uncommon nowadays as the father and only surrogate mother are biologically related to the child.
• Stage 3: In stage 3, People are required to choose their surrogacy partner (local as well as international). This stage is important but it is simple too as a surrogate in California is easily available. To help people in getting their surrogacy partner, surrogacy agencies give consultancy sessions and match people with surrogacy partners. The agency gives people an option to choose a surrogacy partner by showing them various profiles. If people are getting confused in choosing the partner, then they take the help of CA surrogacy professional.
• Stage 4: Before starting the medical process, people have to complete the legal process. In California, the family code to govern gestational surrogacy is 7960 which makes the process easy for intended parents & potential surrogates. In California, parents are permitted for pre-birth parentage orders with no hearings required. The legal contract must be finalized before taking any medical steps. The attorney will make sure that all legal processes is been completed.
• Stage 5: In stage 5, people can start with the medical process after completing the legal process. A surrogate in California has to go through the test including screening. The test will ensure that whether the woman is physically fit to be involved in surrogacy. After the test, the agency starts the actual surrogacy procedure.
• Stage 6: In stage 6, the baby is been delivered, and the surrogate mother hand over the baby to the parents. Even after the journey of surrogacy is been ended, parents & surrogates choose to keep in touch with each other.
So, someone who wants to become a surrogate or a parent in California can reach to a surrogacy professional. In California, Made in the USA Surrogacy is considered to be the best for surrogacy which provides services like counseling, screening, matching, referrals, and case management for surrogates & parents.